Monroe County Public Schools

This afternoon I spoke at Key West High School to the teachers of Monroe County. I spoke of how important I believe it is to bring excitement and passion to teaching. Monroe County was the only district whose school board sent a resolution to the DOE asking that the proposed science standards be accepted without revisions. I think I was speaking to the choir when I talk about commitment, excitement and passion!

I also had the opportunity to reconnect with a former student. Recently I received an email from Brady Hodgerson, an ESL teacher at Marathon High School. I taught Brady in fourth grade and he shared with me that he decided to become a teacher after being in my class. I had read The Lion's Paw by Robb White to my fourth graders and the book connected with Brady. During his first year teaching he was beginning to doubt his decision and was in a used book store and picked up a book from the give away box - it was The Lion's Paw. He said it was like a sign. To this day I have always believed in the power of that particular book and it gave me goosebumps to hear the story. It was an email that shook me and reaffirmed how great this year is. Awards are nice, but the correspondence that I've had with my former students has impacted me in a very powerful way. I have always wonder how my former students are doing and if I made any difference in their lives. It's so wonderful to hear from so many of them. Teaching is a powerful experience.

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