Florida PTA Conference

Friday I spoke in Daytona Beach before the Florida Congress of PTA. What a great group! The weather was overcast and blustery, the waves were crashing against the seawalls, but inside the Hilton hotel the atmosphere was filled with excitement and discussion. I've been a member of PTA for my entire teaching career and appreciated being allowed to address the group. Among the many special guests, I found myself seated between Dr. Margaret Smith, Superintendent of Volusia County Schools and Jan Harp Domene, our National PTA President. What wonderful company and conversation!

I was also surprised and overwhelmed to be recognized by Florida PTA in a very special way - a brick with my name on it is being placed in the Honor and Memory Patio at the Florida PTA Building recognizing my service to children. My mom was a devoted PTA officer and room mother through out my school years and I know this would have had a very special meaning to her as well. I can't thank the members of Florida PTA enough for this honor.

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