
To those who may have just seen mention of my blog on Just For Teachers, welcome! If you've ever wondered what the Florida Teacher of the Year does I hope to provide some answers throughout the year. Poke around and let me know what you think. I don't post every day - just if I think it would be of interest to you. I am happy to answer most questions you might have. I get a few about gardening ideas and identifying insects.

I am always looking for an opportunity to share what others are doing. I would love to visit your school (and you will find information regarding the process) or if you have something neat to share (a garden hint, a favorite project, or a special school event) I would love to post it. I can only share pictures of classrooms where students have signed releases on file. So become part of my year!


Debbie Harbour said...

We are really interested in starting a recycling program at our school but are having difficulty finding a way to do it without it costing us money. Do you have any suggestions or know of a school that has a great recycling program?

ellenburgra said...

You know that the big problems is always space for putting the stuff. Over the years I have had the best luck when recycling companies brought out a giant "fenced box" where we put aluminum cans. They would pick everything up when we called. Teh beauty is you can put a lot of crushed cans in a smaller area. I'm hoping others might share ideas for you here.