Wednesday was the big day. After breakfast with the TOY families we headed to the White House to meet President Bush. Let me first say that regardless of your politics and views regarding this President, the honor of being received in the White House and meeting the President of the United States is overwhelming. From the gardens to the honor guards to the West Wing this was a once in a life time experience.
Our families arrived separately and were escorted to a brief reception followed by seating in the Rose Garden. Susan said that everything was regal, beautiful and tasteful. Though the roses weren't in bloom the gardens were magnificent with Tulips, Azaleas and Wisteria growing everywhere.
The state Teachers of the Year were escorted to the Roosevelt Room which adjoins the Oval Office. I was one of only two who brought a camera and I took pictures of everything. I've included pictures of the famous portrait of Teddy Roosevelt at the Charge of San Juan Hill, waiting to go in, other state TOYs, and the Rose Garden. When things were ready we were announced and presented individually to President Bush and Education Secretary Spellings. Mr. Bush was very warm. He asked where I lived, how long I had been teaching and what I teach. He thanked me for my service, shook my hand again and they took our picture. We talked very briefly again, I met Secretary Spellings and went to the entrance of the Rose Garden. My name was then announced and I came onto a stage where the press corp took my picture. I was seated in front of the stage and waited for everyone else to go through the same process.
Mike Geisen, our new National Teacher of the Year (from Oregon) was presented with his family and the President. Mr. Bush spoke and was then followed by Mike, who did an excellent job. He will represent the teachers across America admirably. I will talk more about Mike in another Blog.
After the ceremony we took pictures, slowly left taking pictures and departed for the hotel.
The afternoon was spent meeting both Florida Senator Mel Martinez and Florida Senator Bill Nelson. This was set up by the office of Governor Charlie Crist and I want to thank Michael Belitzky, Policy Analyst for Governor Crist for arranging and making the introductions for these meetings. Michael's mother is an administrator in the Miami-Dade Schools and he has a great understanding of eduction.
Our evening was culminated by a black tie formal affair at a location near Georgetown. Very fancy, very nice. There were several speakers, including our new National Teacher of the Year and it was all great fun.