Thursday was spent at the Smithsonian being trained and learning more about the Smithsonian Ambassador program. We met first at the Smithsonian Castle, the home of the original museum. Our first meeting of the day, and lunch, took place in the Board of Directors hall. This was the original exhibit hall and still houses an incredible array of objects which represent all of the museums. The jet pilot helmet was originally worn by Chuck Yeager when be first broke the sound barrier flying in the special Bell 1 jet, Glamorous Glennis.
We broke into interest groups and I returned to the Air and Space Museum to learn more about the history of Air Transportation exhibit. We were honored to meet the principal designer and Wright Brothers expert, Dr. Jakobs who told us more about the Wright Brothers as we looked on at the original Wright Flyer. We learned how the exhibit was planned and designed and what visitors should get from the experience. At lunch we shared our experiences with TOYs who visited other museums and compared note. In my links section you will find mew Smithsonian link that I learned more about that I think you will find useful.