Transitioning Home

Yes!!!! I am getting back into my lab, cleaning up, reorganizing, unpacking, overseeing the installation of my new SMART Board and beginning to rebuild my garden.

I attended my last OCPS Foundation function as a board member last week; I spent an afternoon visiting Tools for Teaching (look for more about this great place in the future); I have been in week long district training with our district elementary lab teachers; and I was part of our OCPS District Retirement Celebration (which was a fantastic chance to see old friends). I am officially back in my element and can't wait for school to begin.

I have been asked if I would miss the excitement of representing Florida teachers as this year's Teacher of the Year. My answer is that I am replacing it with the excitement of science with my elementary students. It's a great trade!

As my year as Florida Teacher of the Year winds down I am trying to decide the fate of this website. Part of me thinks I will continue to blog, but gradually transform this into a teacher resource site. Next school year I will be a part time district science trainer for our new state science standards and I can see the value of keeping a site. On the other hand, maybe it has run it's course. let me know.