A plug for a friend

I am an avid follower of my friend, Mike Geisen's blog site. Mike is our 2008 National Teacher of the Year and has been on the road almost non-stop since being introduced at the White House last May. Mike has a unique sense of humor and take on things that is invaluable in his journey. Away from his wife and two young children, Mike is finding balance by sharing his trip with us through this site. It is a must watch. From a video journey through Japan (complete with one of the most hysterical introductions to a hotel room), to his take on the national educational scene, to reflections on his personal journey, Mike gives food for thought to every teaching professional.

I encourage you to follow Mike's journey. If you are like me you will be hooked on this site. Check it out at http//ntoy.blogspot.com (or go to my links below and click on his site).